2022년 6월 16일 목요일

major domestic/foreign stock market news


■ Won-dollar exchange rate of KRW 1265

■ KOSPI, KOSDAQ, and KRX index regular change date today

Samsung Electronics' 52-week Lowest Price Due to New York Stock Exchange's Decline and Global Macro

Lanix Capes on Expectations of Commercializing Self-Driving Cars

Motrex Pilots Self-Driving in Gangnam, Seoul

17 billion won contract with state-run G&M and Hanwha Engineering & Construction

DY, Hyundai Motor's self-driving "Top Level 4" begins...Exclusive development technology highlighted

See Swind expects to benefit from expanding the European wind market

Sekonix to Operate Korea's First Self-Driving Taxi in Gangnam


■ Russian Kremlin "There will be no additional gas interruption in Europe"

■ Slightly lower sea freight charges 미국농구중계

■ Concerns over tightening ahead of U.S. consumer price announcement...New York Stock Exchange's Top Three Indexes Closing Down

■ ECB ends July...July-September interest rate hike

■ 2.29 million new unemployment claims...More than expected

UBS "When you buy Tesla"...Target stays at $1100

Bloomberg, "China Discusses Allowing Ma Yun to List Ant Group"...Chinese authorities dismiss that they have no plans

Documentary Q1 performance, EPS lower than expected...Sales are above...Sales guidance for Q2 falls short of market expectations

Neo Q1 earnings, above EPS and revenue MLB중계 market expectations..."More money with power and network expansion investments"

Fuel Cell Energy Q1 earnings, below EPS and revenue market expectations..."Operating Costs Increase"

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